30 September, 2018

One delegate report of the Illinois Counsil of the blind convention 2018

On the 27th of September I checked into the Hilton in Lisle, Illinois. The convention started on the 28th at 11a.m. With the proceptions meeting with the officers and the board so they could learn more about the Illinois Council of the Blind. (With my husband being on the board we had to be at the hotel a day early).

When the credentials report was given it tell how many votes our little group has which is 11. There were different reports given for each affiliate in the state of Illinois. The 2019 convention bids have only one for Alton Illinois to be held in the spring May 1,2,3, 2020.

We had speakers that gave us updates on Illinois Bureau of Blind Services. Sharon Ruda from the Illinois Talking Book and Braille Services, was unavailable to attend we heard from, Kim Charlson who is the president of the American Council of the Blind. She is also the director of Perkins Talking Book Library. We also had speakers from Hines. And the Hadley institute for the Blind.

Some of Madison County enjoyed a game night on Friday night where popcorn, chips and dip. My husband and I also enjoyed an enormous Chicago style super deep-dish pizza that evening for dinner.

On Saturday we had discussions on how to use Uber and Lyft.

We also learned about Non-24 which effects about 70 % of the blind population. But we also learned that you don’t have to be blind to suffer from Non-24.

The members of the ICB were discussing their blindness to be able to help people who are in the process of losing their eyesight. So, they will know that there is someone who has walked a mile in their shoes.

On Sunday was our elections. There was36 people present at the end of the convention. With 6 being from Madison County Association of the Blind.

Not only did each group give door prizes to be drawn out every few hours. Since I was one that don’t have anything wrong with my vision I was asked to run the microphone and pull names for door prizes.

By Terry Hogan-Heltsley