30 August, 2018

2018 ICB convention

Hello all ICB Members and , below is the 2018 ICB Convention letter and attached to this email is the Convention Registration Form. This is finding you a week behind usual schedule as we wanted the braille, print and email to go out to members around the same time. We already have some people registering for convention. So, if you are one of those people, thank you for your early registration and disregard this email. Maggie Mogged. SEE BELOW

To all ICB Members:

On behalf of President Schroeder, the Board of Directors, and the Convention Committee, I want to encourage all of you to attend the 2018 ICB Conference and Convention, September 28th to September 30in Lisle, Illinois. Your Conference and Convention Committee, which I’ve had the pleasure to chair, has worked hard to put together a convention that features a lot of opportunities to learn, socialize with old friends and make new ones, and also conduct the important business of ICB. From learning about the work several great organizations do, the latest technology available to us, hearing from the President of our parent organization, the American Council of the Blind, to engaging in a little friendly and fun competition during our Friday Game Night, there’s something for everyone. We will also have our weekend 50/50 raffle and will be selling our fall fundraiser raffle tickets during convention for an exciting vacation trip to Florida.

You may register online at www.icbonline.org/convention-registration, call the ICB office or fill out the form attached to this email. and send it to the ICB office by email or regular mail. Room rates at the Hilton Lisle/Naperville, our convention hotel, are $99 plus 11% tax per night. Don’t procrastinate if you want to attend, cause reservation cut-off is September 6, 2018. The link to book a room at the Hilton online the link is: http://group.hilton.com/IllinoisCouncilOfTheBlind.

A very important part of any Conference and Convention is remembering those whom we’ve lost in the past year. If you know someone who has passed away that either was involved in ICB, or was involved with the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired, get the information about them to the ICB office. Don’t forget, we also memorialize guide dogs. Also, if you have any ideas of resolutions we need to adopt, please also get them to the office.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2018 ICB Conference and Convention in Lisle. If you have any questions, contact Maggie, ICB Office Manager at the ICB office at 217-523-4967 or icb. Again, the convention registration form is attached to this email.


Ray Campbell, Convention Chairman

Members of the Convention Committee

Rachel Schroeder, ICB President

Maggie Mogged, ICB Office Manager