weather permitting, click here for our upcoming January meeting
Meeting date: January 5, 2023
The first Thursday of each month.
Hello one and all happy holidays!!!!, and happy New Year,
jingle all the way.
Meeting place: MCAB Center/ Terrys Mini Mall.
Location: 300 North Wood River Avenue, Wood River Illinois 62095
meeting time: 6:30PM TO 8:30PM
In January
Come to our next Madison County association of the blind (MCAB)meeting, and see what we are doing to help those people in our community, who are blind, or legally blind in need of our help and services. What, if anything can we do to help you?
also, while you are there, Check out our merchandise. we have T-shirts, cookbooks comma water bottles comma coffee mugs
Note to members: annual dues are coming due soon. $20.00 (January, February, march) after March $25.00
We, now have an office/training center. Which is located at 300 N. Wood River Ave. Wood River Illinois 62095