20 April, 2024

Here is our MCAB party information,ringing in cerimony

Last month in April:5 of our members attended the Illinois council of the blind convention in Springfield, Illinois. April 4-6, Friday, Saturday Sunday.

MCAB elections in April 11th meeting.

And last but not least that dreaded April 15yth Tax Day.

Next meeting. oops, I mean our birthday party.

May 2, 2024

Meeting place: Polly’s restaurant.

Location: 15 South Stanley Road, Alton, Illinois 62002

meeting time: 5:00PM TO 7:00PM

the county clerk will be present, for it will be our ringing in ceremony for the newly elected officers and board members.

We will be ordering what you want to eat from their menu..

Come to our next Madison County association of the blind (MCAB)meeting, and see what we are doing to help those people in our community, who are -blind, or legally blind in need of our help and services. What, if anything can we do to help you?

also, while you are there, Check out our merchandise. we have T-shirts, cookbooks comma water bottles comma coffee mugs, on consignment. We have a donation jar,

If you have a credit or debit card, and would like to donate to our organization. in the URL, where it says: MCABIL.ORG, type in “MCABIL.ORG/DONATE” and it will take you to our donate page. If you would like a receipt, all donations are tax deductible.

Note to members: if you would like to pay your annual dues with a card, go to donate page, as listed above.

Note to members: annual dues are coming due soon. $25.00 (January, February, march) after March $30.00

Note to members you can also pay with a check, and send it to the address below.

We, now have an office/training center. Which is located at 300 N. Wood River Ave. Wood River Illinois 62095

Need to talk? call (618)216-2790, or (618)600-9388